Skydive New England - Essentials and Advanced Canopy Courses
Essential Skills Course Saturday 9/21/19
Advanced Course Sunday 9/22/19
Superior Flight Solutions proven teaching techniques and canopy drills allow jumpers to completely understand exactly how their parachutes perform in every jumpable situation and condition.
The drills are designed to educate jumpers on safe canopy flight and teach them techniques that will give them the most valuable tool of all....CONFIDENCE!
Confidence in their gear, in themselves and their abilities to fly their canopies safely. The intent is to make jumpers safer canopy pilots by making them smarter canopy pilots.
No matter what drills are being conducted, the desired end result is having the jumpers land exactly where they want and as soft as possible.
You will be doing jumps and drills based off of your abilities, your progress and your desired goals. Each jump you do will be videoed and meticulously debriefed.
The Essential Skills Course meets the requirements of the B license application as well as completes the canopy proficiency card required by USPA.
You do not need to be an A licensed skydiver to attend the course, however you must be cleared to self supervise and have completed your hop and pops.
If you have your B license but have never attended a formal canopy course, this course is also for you. You will be doing
more advanced drills and your progression will not be slowed.
This class is conducted rain or shine and starts every day at 8 am unless otherwise posted.
Please do not be late and show up packed, with a reserve in date and ready to jump.
If renting gear please arrange this before the morning of. It is required to get a packer for the day to help expedite the day.
Course refund policy:
If the course is canceled for any reason by the instructor, you will get a 100% refund.
If you cancel more than 24hours prior, the minimums have been met and your slot can be filled then you get a full refund.
If you cancel less than 24 hours out or If you don't show up the morning of, you lose your entire deposit. There are special circumstances that arise such as family emergencies that exceptions may be made for.